Sunday, October 16, 2011

combination of Aperture and Shutter Speed?

• The aperture of the lens aperture (analogous to opening our eyes
when he saw the object distance or short distance) is usually in the size of f/2.8, f/5.6, f / 7, f/11, and so on.

• Shutter Speed ​​is the speed of earlier aperture, shutter speed with respect to how long the light receiving lens when the diaphragm in the open; in size 1sec, 1/45sec, 1/125sec, 1/250sec, those that are 1 / 2000 sec and so on (sec: seconds / second)

The combination of both is a unique combination, the combination of which influence each other to produce an image that we want (and artistic of course).
The combination of Aperture and Shutter Speed ​​can produce a Depth of Field (DoF) are diverse.

What's is DoF? Depth of Field is the depth range of the camera focus, DoF is a measure of the range of
background images by foreground objects. Easily, we can see from the blurry background photo whether or not we are. If our picture background blur means its shallow DoF and vice versa. About techniques and tricks to get Shallow DoF or photos with background blur (this is usually a favorite) I will make a separate paper.

Back to the aperture (aperture) and shutter speed (velocity).
Aperture is the amount of light entering the camera lens.
The larger the aperture (aperture earlier) then the incoming light more and more. Large aperture is marked with a small number such as f/2.8, f / 4 to f/5.6. Its function is to sharpen a single object for
example we will take pictures of people, flowers, animals as a single object and we want to blur the background but still sharp object.
Instead a small aperture (marked by large numbers such as f / 8, f/10, f/11 etc..) Will sharpen all the photos in either object or background).

This condition is useful when we will be photographing objects such as landscape or urban areas where all the images sharp.
The larger the aperture, the less the sharpness of our photos (shallow depth-of-field)
there are examples of the selection aperture in the two photos